Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Math!

We carved a pumpkin in class today! First we talked about the size of our pumpkin- was it small, medium or large? LARGE! Then we weighed it on the scale- 12 pounds exactly. Some of us thought that sounded heavy, and some of us thought that must be light, so we all held it for a few seconds to help us decide. We also measured the height of our pumpkin with a ruler- 13 inches high.

After all that measuring, Ms. Heather cut the top off and we started to clean out the inside. Ooey gooey!
After scooping everything out, we weighed the pumpkin again and it was only 10 pounds now, so it had gotten lighter.

Some of us wanted square eyes, others wanted round, so Ms. Heather tried to do both with square on the outside and a circle inside each eye. We agreed on a triangle nose and some fangs. Boo!

Then, it was time for the really hard work-> counting ALL the seeds! Everyone lined up by Mrs. Horton, popped a seed onto our 100 counting mat, then went around to the back of the line. After several laps around the table, we were getting tired, but still had a lot of seeds left!

We all took a seat, and watched Mrs. Horton keep on counting! We filled up one mat, then TWO, and then THREE mats. We finally ran out of seeds at 336- WHEW!!

We ended our day with some yummy witch finger snacks and toasted pumpkin seeds. 
Halloween is almost here!


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