Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! 

Have a wonderful holiday and a joyous New Year!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bits and Pieces

I haven't been in school for a few days, but I've heard reports that the kids have been very busy with holiday activities, singing and special visitors! Last Thursday, we had Pastor Andy come to class to share a bible reading of the story of Jesus' birth. We made cut out sugar cookies in class on Friday that were absolutely yummy. This past week the kids have finished up some Christmas gifts, practiced for the holiday program, and been entertained by some wild animals. Check out the school blog for more pictures of the animal visit- apparently the monkey jumped right on Ms. Eiermann's head!
great listeners!

Mary was this big when she had to ride the donkey to Bethlehem! 



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Deck The Halls!

There are some very busy little elves in our classroom this week! So far, we've worked on painting our alphabet with red and green, painting some color words, counting jingle bells (ask the elves how hard THAT was using our ears to hear Ms. Heather drop them instead of our eyes to see them! ), finishing up our stockings and making some Christmas surprises. Our list of words we can read keeps growing as well as we read together at circle time. We also visited the library today, and had singing practice in the church for our Christmas program.

BUT, the real excitement this week so far has been for the decorating!! Our big and little tree have been decorated and undecorated many times at our cooperative learning center on the rug. Every group has done a beautiful job! When not decorating the trees, many students have also loved using our new flannel board sets- including trees, ornaments, gifts, and reindeer. While fun and educational just as a cooperative activity, there has also been a lot of sorting, patterning, and counting skills being incorporated into their play! 

We even added a decorative holiday flair to our snack- yum!