Today we started off practicing some Ee's for handwriting at our morning jobs. Lowercase e has been one of the trickiest letters to write for many of the students, and we will continue to practice, practice, practice! At circle time, 2 friends worked together to sequence the numbers from 71 to 80. We started last Monday doing 10 numbers a day, from 1 to 100. Then we all count together everything we have so far. We'll end up at 100 by Friday for 100's Day!
After all that counting, we split into groups for centers. This group used valentine stamps and rollers to create designs.
This group worked on making their recipe cards for our 100 piece 100 Day snack. Thank you so much to all our families for sending in the snack mix ingredients! Today, students worked on choosing the 10 ingredients for their custom snack mix. We glued pictures of each ingredient on a stand up recipe card that we will use when counting out our snack on Friday. Deciding on only 10 out of 16 choices was hard- everything sounds so yummy!
Our math center today was counting by tens with heart cutouts. These were glued on a long piece of crepe paper in order from 10 to 100.
We got a big lesson in cooperation with the super sliders over at the rug today in our cooperative play center! This game is jump-up-and-down fun, and only goes when we work together. There are 2 handles on each end of a long set of ropes. A plastic football shaped slider is strung on both ropes. In order to move it, one friend has to pull his/ her arms out wide, while the other friend keeps hands close together. After it zooms down the rope, you have to switch to send it back. It's harder than it looks! The children did a wonderful job of taking turns being the controllers, with 2 playing at a time, and the other 2 moving the ball to the end when it stopped in the middle (which it did a lot!)
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day- don't forget your cards!
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