Groundhog Day may technically be tomorrow for the rest of the world, but we celebrated in class today! We read a silly story,
Ten Grouchy Groundhogs, which counted backwards as it described all the silly ways underground groundhogs try to have fun in their burrow. Until, of course, they all go outside and get scared by their shadows! We also read our Let's Find Out magazine for some true facts about these interesting creatures. We learned that groundhog babies are called kits, they like to eat carrots, they whistle, and they even dig out a special tunnel for a bathroom. Then we matched some pictures of silly groundhogs with their shadows.
At circle, Ms. Heather used the overhead projector to make shadows on the wall. Everyone had fun guessing all the different letters, numbers, words, shapes, animals, and school tools!
Can you guess who makes these shadows?
How did you do? Check and see!

Time to show our shadow sillies!
Does anyone else see Peter Pan? |
Oh, it is Peter Pan :) What FUN with Shadows! LOVE it ♥
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