It was a wacky Wednesday in our room today, and not just because of our bold fashion sense and wild hairstyles! Students were wandering the room looking for their name cards for morning work. Mallory? Dean? Chloe? Those aren't any of our names! Something crazy was going on- these were NOT our name cards! After deciding that we just better pick a new name to sit at so we could get our Ww handwriting done, we started noticing some other things that looked a bit wacky. We made a list for our morning message, since our regular morning message was upside down and a bit hard to read. We noticed the "February" label on the calendar was turned around, the chairs and table by the kitchen were upside down, our center chart was all wrong, and no less than FIVE different people had their shirts on backwards, including Ms. Heather and Ms. Horton! There were also lots of extra ponytails and braids- some girls had 3, 4 or 5 different ones all on the same head. Some people had pajamas on, some had mixed up shoes, and others wore lots of extra pants, ties, scarves and jewelry. After Ms. Heather checked her watch- conveniently located on her ankle, we just stopped making our list so we could read about someone else's wacky day in Dr. Seuss' Wacky Wednesday. Then we were off to centers- sight word matching, placemats, lacing, wacky picture seek and find, and magnet fun.
looking for a matching name tag |
sorting and matching sight words from Green Eggs and Ham |
Silly Pictures- These laminated cards were FULL of wacky mistakes! |
After centers, we read Green Eggs and Ham. Then we got to cooking in the classroom! First, Ms. Heather cracked a whole bunch of eggs into a bowl. We talked about how the yellow round part is the yolk, and the mostly clear goo is the white of the egg. Using a wisk, we mixed and mixed until the eggs looked all one color and we could not see any yolks or white anymore. Then we added some milk and green food coloring and kept on mixing (everyone wanted a turn- they were well wisked eggs)! Then we poured it into a BIG frying pan and added a bunch of chopped ham. This is where we hit the worst part of the day- the WAITING for them to finish cooking! To make the time go by (it was a big pan of eggs) we snacked on some cereal and listened to a cd reading of some Dr. Seuss books. Finally it was done! After a few bites, Ms. Heather asked everyone if they liked green eggs and ham (thinking in her head that a few were probably not going to like it/ be afraid to try it). The answer was "No, we don't like green eggs and ham. We LOVE them!" The only sad faces we saw were the friends who wanted second helpings and found out there just wasn't any more- we had eaten it all!
PS- Below are some pics from our work with Jonah and the Whale on Monday. I had left my camera at home that day, and forgotten until now that I had a few pictures on my phone of our painting, water play, and story retelling.
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