With Valentine's Day just around the corner, we have been using lots of hearts in our work! One morning, the kids came in to find hundreds of paper hearts on the tables. Their morning work job was to use those hearts to create something- an animal, person, vehicle, plant, or whatever they chose. No one was given glue to finish the job until he or she had plenty of time to shift hearts around and try a couple of different designs. It was surprisingly hard for some to get busy with so little direction, and the whole wide world of choices for their designs! But after some encouragement, we got some very creative pictures. The next day, we wrote "I love my ___." on a sentence strip to attach to our picture. Students copied the first 3 words, and got help, if needed, with the last. This was done one on one with a teacher, and we talked about remembering to put a space between our words and punctuation at the end of our sentence.

Our fabulous heart flamingos went along with our activities for the letter Ff both for flamingo and because you really had to follow the directions! This was a tricky directional craft activity that required them to go step by step carefully, instead of just grabbing glue and sticking down hearts. As you'll see below, there is still some personality to each flamingo, but the basic design is similar from one to another. Learning to follow directions carefully is probably one of the most important skills we can help the children develop before they head off to kindergarten!
Below are some more picture highlights from the past few days:
open ended valentine making at a writing center
counting heart sets |
Looking for pictures of things we like, and writing sight word sentences about them.
Here we are working together to build with different kinds of blocks.
sensory table fun with heart shaped scoops, funnels, and the balance scale
Of course, there is ALWAYS time for a good book!
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