Friday, February 15, 2013

Hip Hip Hooray for 100's Day!

Today we celebrated a hundred days of learning! We have been getting ready bit by bit over the past week or so- making sticker strips for our hats, decorating glasses, adding numbers to our hundreds chart. Today it all came together for the big 1-0-0!

There was lots of excitement first thing this morning as everyone came in and tried on the hundred sticker hats and our fancy glasses.

At circle time we completed the last row of our hundreds chart, and Fred the Frog made the big leap to the end of the number line!

We all contributed ideas to the morning message:

Then, we worked out some of our wiggles by doing 100 exercises! We stretched our arms, kicked our legs, jumped on 2 feet, jumped on 1 foot, turned around, did jumping jacks, touched our toes, etc to burn lots of energy.

Our big activity was making the hundred piece snack mix. We used a big sorting placemat and our recipe cards we made on Wednesday to count out our snacks.

When we weren't counting snack, we chose among several activity choices: coloring, blocks, books, and the sensory table.

We boxed up the snack mix we carefully counted to take home, because there were plenty of leftovers to have at snack time, along with a special treat. After singing "Happy 100's Day to Us," we enthusiastically blasted our horns, ate our snack and went home a 100 days smarter!


Kathleen said...

Love the snack counting chart--and some of the 100s wishes!

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