Monday, November 25, 2013

If I was on the Mayflower...

We've been learning about the first Thanksgiving feast at school, and how life was different for those early settlers, the Pilgrims. After sharing stories, our magazine and a short video,

we thought about what it might be like if we had to take a trip to a new land, and could only take 1 extra thing (not food, clothes or family) with us. Children on the Mayflower might have had only 1 simple toy, or book, or keep them busy for the whole journey. Thinking of which one thing to take took just a minute for lots of us- after all, we are used to shelves and closets full of things. But pretty soon everyone decided on that one special item that we would want to have with us. We put our ideas together into a new class book. Take a peek at the pages!

my leapster

my nerf gun

my big lovey

my cat Caspian

my horse Miki

my dolly Kit

my lightsaber

Luke Skywalker

my pink dolphin Lemonade

my tiger from Grandma Jean

my dog Dallas

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanksgiving in the Kitchen

We did some feasting this week! Thursday, our healthy snack friend brought in a yummy snack for us to build. We had muffins, apple slices and grapes that we put together into a turkey that was gobbled up quickly!

Friday was pumpkin pie baking day! Together with Ms. Hill and Buttercup's class, we went over to Fellowship Hall for the morning to use the kitchen. We mixed up our center groups with friends from each class, and got to work. One group had Thanksgiving coloring, another used grocery store flyers to cut out pictures of favorite feast foods and glued them on a plate. The best center was the pie making center. We measured, poured, and mixed our ingredients to make the best little pumpkin pies in town!

After a break on the playground while the pies baked and cooled, it was TIME TO EAT!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

We've been busy learning about Thanksgiving, the letter Tt, counting, and singing a lot over the past week! Our Thanksgiving program is going to be wonderful- the children have been working hard learning our songs, and creating our pilgrim costumes. We have been reading books about the first Thanksgiving feast with the Pilgrims and Native Americans at circle time and with our magazines at centers. We are even working on a new class book inspired by the pilgrim's journey on the Mayflower!

Oh no! The turkey gobbled up a bunch of letters with the corn. 
We scooped out the letters to make Thanksgiving words

Painting the ocean for our Mayflower book pages:

 Playing with The Mayflower:

We are so thankful for our friends!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ll is for Leaves!

We were busy learning about the letter Ll and leaves this past week!

We made stained glass looking leaves using tissue paper squares and contact paper:

We read "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves" and did some dry erase writing in our practice workbooks:

We made pictures and patterns with leaves on the flannel boards:

We used red and yellow paint to sponge paint leaves:

We listened to a counting story about falling leaves:

This is a wonderful book with amazing illustrations- all made out of leaves! After reading, we made our own nature pictures. Don't worry- the moss and acorns were all baked to keep any buggy hitchhikers out of our art. :)