Thursday, March 1, 2018

HURRAH for our 100th Day Heroes!

Today was the 100th day of school! Our heroes have been getting ready for days, and today we donned our finished superhero capes (with 100 stickers-> 10 sets of 10) and masks before doing lots of exercises as we counted up to 100 by 1s and 10s. 
Then we headed outside to practice our 100 Day Hero skills!




We practiced our SUPER SPEED:

Then we tested our balance with SUPER SPINNING:



A superhero has to LEAP over tall buildings!

Here are our FLYING SKILLS:

WHEW- being a superhero makes us tired!

We headed inside to get down to some serious counting. Earlier in the week, we each planned out a recipe for a 100 piece snack. Today, we counted it out carefully. Thank you so much to all our families for sending in all our snacks!



















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