Sunday, March 11, 2018

Dr. Seuss Week!

This was a BIG week for us! Every day and every activity tied into Dr. Seuss books, which made for lots of silly learning and play.

We started out on Monday with The Foot Book
After reading the story, and trying out lots of opposites, we lined up to see how many feet are in our class. 36! We counted twice just to be sure.


On to more counting! We all donated a shoe to measure ourselves. We also talked about how usually we measure with a ruler, and each one is called a foot.

Then we were off to painting with our feet!




Tuesday: 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
This silly book is a classic rhyming nonsensical read aloud! At centers on Tuesday, we practiced all our letters and sounds as we fished in the river.



Then we practiced all our numbers to 20 matching some fish crackers to numerals in the fishbowls!


Wacky Wednesday!
Who are these wacky people? Some crazy looking kids came in to class today!! They had to find their mixed up names and unscramble them before they could even sit down. At circle time, there were some wacky looking letters that needed to be fixed up. At centers, we had a table full of art supplies: pom poms, pipe cleaners, foam, yarn, buttons, etc that became some kooky and creative art. We had some wacky play dough, built some backwards trains, and -when we needed rest- colored some mixed up pictures with our silly stacking crayons.











Thursday was a tasty day for Green Eggs and Ham

 We got to cooking first thing! We learned about the different parts of an egg, what a wisk does, and how to be an adventurous eater! Green eggs look a little scary, but most of us thought they were delicious. :)

We matched words from the story, making sure all the letters matched before laying down the cards. 





Cat in the Hat Friday! 
The Cat in the Hat is so much fun that we got started on Thursday with our Friday fun. We painted plates, hats and bow ties so they would be ready to turn into masks.


Cat in the Hat snacks!





Rhyming words! We made hat shaped flip books for our "at" rhyming words.

In honor of the famous cat, we all wore a hat to school!

We finished a special week with a special birthday!



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