Sunday, February 4, 2018

Shadow Fun!

It was a mixed up week this week! Lots of our friends, including Ms. Heather, were out for several days this week. We still had fun though! We learned all about the letter Rr, worked on building numbers, got lots of fine motor practice, and celebrated Groundhog Day. Hopefully everyone will be healthy and back next week!

We read lots of robot books, and made our own robots out of spare parts.


Superheroes were added to our rug center! 

We made some February flamingoes for our new calendar!


Fine motor practice with number building, number bead flags, sorting jars, lacing, and coloring:







Shadow play! We practiced shapes, numbers, letters and word building. Then we made some funny shadows and our friends tried to guess what we were!

Can you tell who is who?












shadow puppets


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