We jumped into the month of October with 2 more special birthdays!
We tried out some new things at centers and morning table jobs this week! The favorite by far was using play dough with craft sticks. Imaginations were in high gear as the kids made all kinds of machines, birthday cakes, popsicles, letters, buildings, etc. They were so proud of their creations!
We also enjoyed putting together large puzzles with friends, making faces with rocks and wood slices, and trying out the stencils.
We'll be talking about nocturnal animals all month, and started reading about bats and owls at story time. We also spent a lot of time thinking about our bones this week. We learned that our bones help us stand up, keep our shape, and protect important parts of our bodies. We talked about x-rays, and how these special pictures can help our doctor fix broken bones. We spent a long time looking at X-rays, and trying to guess the animals. Some were easy, and but others were really hard! Did you know a kangaroo skeleton looks surprisingly like a t-rex?
Our vets went back to work this week with a new tool to help the animals: X-rays on the lightbox!
We had some giggles making skeletons with lots of noodles!
The kids are already super excited about Halloween! It was a thrill to see our sensory table changed to spooky stuff for October.
Fun with felt: Halloween shapes and a happy skeleton
We played an October BINGO game that had our focus letters and numbers on the cards, along with Halloween pictures.
Our guided reading group read a magazine about bats. We watched a short related video at letsfindout.com to see some real bats and other nocturnal animals.
Writing! We started with our first teacher directed writing centers this week. We used trays with soft purple sand to practice forming letters with either our own fingers or a long nailed monster finger. We focused on letters from our themes: Ss for skeleton, Xx for x-ray, and Bb for bats and bones. We also tried letters in our name, tracing our hands and drawing happy faces!
Race to the Top! This is a game we'll play several times a year with different letters and numbers. The big spinning wheel has 4 letters in the spaces: B, b, X, and x, just like on our papers. We spin the wheel, write the designated letter, and repeat. The letters are competing against each other, and we get very excited to see which letter will win the race to the top of the paper! The kids are SO cute with this- they are excited and clapping for the letters, and don't even notice how much writing practice they are doing. I do some racing myself in my rolling chair :), zooming back and forth along the other side of the table highlighting letters to trace and helping with pencil grips.
We finished our colony of silly little bats, and they are hanging out in the classroom!
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