Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

This week was all about Halloween! We started off the week by finishing up our bats and owls for the in room bulletin board. Our spooky skeletons (Bb is for Bones!) are decorating the hall board, so we are Halloween inside and out!

From life cycles to gloppy guts, Tuesday was pumpkin day from beginning to end using our senses: how it looked, how it smelled, how it felt. We talked about size, shape, and weight (most of us thought it weighed A LOT). Everyone that wanted to scooped out some of the inside, then we all got to work separating the seeds- there were 584!!! We voted on which shapes to use for the face, and Ms. Heather carved it into a jack o lantern.

 In other Halloween learning, we identified batty numbers by rolling dice and dotting numerals, and clipped clothespins with Halloween counting. We read a Let's Find Out magazine about all the uses for pumpkins, and worked in pairs to sequence objects from largest to smallest. For art, we squished paint into folded card stock to make monster masks. There are some awfully cute and creepy creatures in our room this year!

On Friday, we all came in costume for trick or treating at Summer Breeze senior home. We had a wonderful time getting candy and singing our songs. After walking back to WIPP, we celebrated together with ice cream sundaes, thanks to our generous parents. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Special Days- Pumpkin Patch and Our Day in the Dark

We had two special days this week! Tuesday we went to the pumpkin patch and had a wonderful time looking at all different kinds of pumpkins. We bought our own small pumpkin, and took those back to paint and decorate before bringing them home on Thursday and Friday.

Our other big day was Our Day in the Dark! We have been learning about nocturnal animals, and Friday we turned off the lights and did our activities in the dark. 

We had slime on a light box:

Shining fall creatures and nature shapes on another light box:

Reading books about nocturnal animals in our tent:

Some of us had glowing clothes and flashlights, and we all wore glow necklaces:

Our sensory bin had a bunch of glow sticks added to help us stir the brew of Halloween beans, rice, pumpkins and bats:

Light bright letters and patterns:

Our water beads glowed under the backlight, and were gobbled by monster finger puppets:

Writing and drawing with fluorescent highlighters by blacklight makes everything shine:

When we were finished, we turned on the lights and used some frosting, pretzel sticks, candy corn and marshmallows to build our little campfire snacks.

It was a busy fun week!