Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pp is for Pets!

We continued talking about pets this week, and are learning about the letter Pp. We packed a lot of learning into the week, and had lots of fun!

Our cooperative learning center all week was vet pretend play. This was a huge favorite- the students comforted and cured lots of sad puppies and kitties with upset tummies, broken legs, etc. They checked X-rays on the light box, created casts and bandages, and administered lots of shots.

Pete the Cat helped us out with lots of learning. Here we are listening to one of our 2 Pete listening stories. We share the book with a buddy, and try to follow along with the cd. The books have lots of our sight words to find!

We really stretched our cutting skills cutting out lots of blue pieces and putting together Pete. Then we added a sentence using word cards.


Pete helped with our math too! Here we are at one of our teacher centers working on our number sense. We made button sticks to help us keep track as Pete lost buttons on his favorite shirt in the story. Every time one popped off, we slid off a button. We practiced taking away/ subtraction and making sets.

We worked together to put together a big pet puzzle: finding edge pieces, lining up the straight side, matching the picture/ colors.

We used pink and purple paper strips to build uppercase and lowercase Pp, then covered them with puzzle pieces and pumpkins. 

Pp is also for patterns! Using pet stamps, we worked on making pattern prints.

Sight Words

We really jumped into sight words this week! We made lots of sentences at circle time, and painted some of our color words. We used word and picture cards to build familiar sentences in the pocket chart, and worked really hard at tracking carefully with a finger to make sure that the word we say is the word that we are pointing at with a finger. We are on our way to becoming great readers!

We ended the week being very proud of our hard work and ate some popcorn!


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