We started off our day today building some Ee's for morning work, to remind us of the letter we worked on last week. We also all got to meet our new classmate- we love new friends! Then, at circle time, we talked about our new letter: Qq.
Quinten was our expert, and with his help we came up with a whole bunch of words: quiet, quick, queen, quilt, quit, quarter and of course, Quinten! After sorting out some Ee and Qq picture cards, some exercise as we ran in place
quickly/ slowly/
quickly, and adding some quilts to the reading tent, we were off to centers!
First off, we had a group gluing fabric squares to make quilted Qq's:
We also had groups working on a 1-20 number puzzle:
We did it! |
working together |
Mrs. Horton's group finished up our MLK, Jr magazine, then worked on lacing skills: pulling the string all the way through, getting the string just where you want it to go. (These skills will be really important for tomorrow, when we work on a crazy class quilt.)
Our last center was sticker math. We had to fill in the correct number of boxes on a 10 frame with stickers. The tricky part was making sure we stopped at the correct number, and didn't get carried away with all the cute stickers and fill everything up!
After cleaning up, we had another circle time to go over the calendar. We were excited to see we were up to day 83-> our 100's Day party is getting close! After reading another story about our favorite patchwork elephant Elmer, we had our snack and then headed to the playground. See you tomorrow!