Sunday, February 17, 2019

Our 100th Day Heroes!



We celebrated the 100th day of school this week!! After getting our superhero gear on, we warmed up  by exercising our way to 100.

arm stretches

zombie arm lifts

jumping jacks
 After resting for a story, we headed outside to work on our super hero skills!

super balancing skills

super speed


super aim to get the balls in the bucket

flying skills

leaping tall buildings
 Whew! We were super tired after all that! We came inside to start creating our snack mix using our amazing counting skills. Thanks to all the wonderful snacks sent in by our parents, we were able to make lots of great choices on our way to 100.









Everyone did an amazing job!
 We bagged up our counted mix to take home, then dumped all the bowls together to make a giant snack mix to eat together.

Ms. Heather and Mrs. Horton are SO proud 
of our super smart Pre-K Super Heroes!


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