Monday, February 4, 2019

Ee is for Elephant!

We had lots of fun learning Ee this week! Ee is a challenging letter to learn- tricky sounds and tricky to write. But, we are getting it!

Elmer the Elephant is an excellent way to practice Ee! We made Elmer flannel board pics, created an Elmer mask out of hearts and little colored squares, and read Elmer books.



Letter and Word Practice
We had lots of fun with the word puzzle and magnetic letters for our morning table time. We practiced writing and reading Ee's, and loved our big spinner Race to the Top game. We used Ee pictures to make a fold up elephant book.




100th Day is coming! We have been working on making sets of 10 for our Hundred Hero capes, and counting by 10s to 100.

We had a special birthday to end the month of January! 

Friday was the first day of February! At circle time, we took our January calendar down together, finding all the numbers from 1-31. Then we talked about everything coming up this month- we have a lot to look forward to in February!

new sensory bin

lots of special days coming up


GERMS! We have had so many friends get sick lately that we have been counting everyone at circle time, and figuring out who is missing. On Friday, we read a book and a magazine about healthy habits, especially hand washing. Using green glitter "germs" on a table, we watched how they spread from hand to hand quickly. Then we went to the bathroom to wash carefully and send those germs down the drain before Ms. Heather let us go use our hands in the new sensory bin.


We hope everyone is healthy and back to school soon!


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