We are getting more and more excited for Christmas!
This week we spent a little time each day practicing our program songs, and a little time working on our special present for Moms and Dads. We still had lots of time left for fun, games and learning with our friends!
Christmas reading: We are still enjoying our classroom library of Christmas books on the rug, and all the stories read at circle time, but the FAVORITE reading this week was happening at the tables with all the toy catalogs our parents sent in for us! We were excited, and giggly, and LOUD looking at all the wonderful possibilities that Santa might put in his sleigh. But, we were also completely engaged in the texts, interacting with each other through books, and definitely using printed material to get information. Reading- here we come!
We talked a bit about making choices, and that we could ask Santa for a certain toy or game, but that didn't mean we would get it. Our wish lists are just ideas- we won't get everything on it. Santa might have even better ideas for a present that will be a wonderful surprise!
With that in mind, we went back to our catalogs the next day, and cut out a few pictures of things that we wanted on our wish lists. These came home on Friday in case anyone wants to mail them to the North Pole.
Our nativity sets are perfect for acting out the story of the first Christmas!

Christmas Crafts! We made some glitter candy canes, started some wooden ornaments, and made some adorable Christmas trees with very cute shining stars at the top.
Christmas sensory table! A few more goodies were added to our red and green pasta mix for sorting, counting and gathering into the little stockings.
Jingle with Joy for Jesus!
We talked about the letter Jj, and made some nativity scenes.
We also decorated a tree by matching uppercase and lowercase letters.
Our felt boards were out this week to create Christmas scenes (and hats!).
Christmas numbers! We had some rainy days this week, and played our musical chairs game while we worked on identifying numerals. When the music stops, look and see what number you have!
Our counting skills got a workout as we counted sets of Santa's elves to build a number line. Before we put a number star in the line, we had to decide if it was more or less than other numbers so we could find the right place for each star.
Every day closer to Christmas finds us getting more and more excited (and wiggly)! Ms. Cindy helped us get some of those wiggles out on Friday with some kiddie yoga. We stood like trees, stretched like cats and leaped like frogs. It was so much fun!
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