Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week of November 7

 This week, we learned about the leader of our country- the President. We read This Little President together at circle time, and talked about how we did not have school on Tuesday because it was election day- a day for voting for a new president. In the book, we learned fun facts about several of our past presidents- that George Washington was the first president, Abraham Lincoln was the tallest president, John Adams was the the first president to live in the White House, and that teddy bears are names after President Theodore Roosevelt. Not surprisingly, the teddy bear fact was the MOST interesting to the kids, and we spent a long time talking about teddy bears!

After our presidential talks, we explored nature items with some science tools. We used magnifying glasses, a balance scale, tweezers, tongs and rulers to find out about different kinds of seeds, pinecones, gourds, tree slices, wheat, and corn in an open ended exploration of these items.

We also checked in on how our pumpkin is doing outside in the garden:

Later in the week, after reading 2 books about nature treasures, we headed out for our own nature walk around the church grounds. We found all kinds of cool leaves, acorns, fuzzy tree seeds and sticks. Then we headed inside to turn our findings into some amazing nature creations. One of the best parts of teaching is getting to watch the kids dive into their learning projects with such enthusiasm and creativity!





We wrapped up our unit on nocturnal animals by painting some big owls. Fall is fun!



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