We used the overhead projector to look at some animal and people bones in X-rays. We learned:
1) Our bones are strong
2) Bones hold us up, help give us our shape, and help us move.
3) Bones protect important body parts- our skull protects our brain, and our rib cage protects our hearts.
We used all kinds of pasta shapes to make X-ray bone pictures of people and animals:

X-rays and the light box were added to our vet center, and our vets took a long time to carefully check all the bones of our bird, frog, dog and cat friends. Most of them needed a little extra love AND a lot of bandages. :)
We had an open ended book making center with pumpkin shaped books, stickers, colored pencils and word card rings to help us write some Halloween words.
Lots of fun was had with the felt boards this week, too!
We had a spooky good time with our Halloween monster fingers! We used them for 1:1 word tracking practice in our Animal Skeletons book at a guided reading center, and also for a fun twist to writing in our purple sand trays.

There were extra spooky fingers at the sensory table too, just right for stirring our Halloween pots!

We've been talking about nocturnal animals- especially bats this week. We read I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat, and reread it while using story cards to sequence the story. We also enjoyed some fiction and nonfiction stories about bats and owls.

Some good thinking was happening as we sorted out letters for making words from numbers used for counting.
Our class is doing a batty good job on counting and identifying numerals! Here we are rolling a die, counting the dots, and paint dotting the matching numeral on our bat mats. When we finished, we got a few minutes to play with the hand toys- always a favorite after our work is done.
We hung upside down for pictures, and used them to make some cute bats. They are hanging out in our classroom waiting for Halloween, and will come roost at home soon.
Each day ends with a snack and some book time before heading to the playground!
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