This week we celebrated the beginning of Fall by learning with an apple theme!
A big hit this week was our open ended writing center. Everyone had a blank mini apple shaped book, and used colored pencils, crayons and stickers to author our own books. A basket of mini picture/word cards helped out a few of our writers looking for some fall words to add to the pages. We also made a new class book- check out the previous post to see our pages!
How Many Apples Up on Top?
After reading the book, it was time to roll the dice and count some apples at circle time. We continued our counting practice at centers by ordering numerals, then counting out the corresponding number of worms for each apple. While rote counting up to 10 is old news for many of the kids, creating matching sets is a WHOLE lot harder! We'll practice this important skill all year long.
Guided reading with our Let's Find Out magazines and the flannel board:
What do apple colors inspire you to paint?
Apple Patterns!
We learned about making color patterns at circle time, and then practiced with red and green AppleJacks cereal at centers.
You can't learn about apples without doing a lot of eating!
Every day, we tried (well, most of us tried :) ) an apple food. Then we graphed our preferences and used the chart to count together and talk about important math concepts of
more than, less than, most, least, and equal quantities.
Friday was baking day! We started out by cranking the peeler/corer to prep our apples.
Then we chopped up the slices into small pieces.
After chopping, we needed to roll out our biscuit dough.
Then add a scoop of our chopped apples sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.
We folded and pinched the dough, sprinkled some cinnamon on top, and they were ready to bake!