We finished our gorgeous Easter paintings of cross stained glass windows, and have them hanging up on our class bulletin board. First, the children traced a cross with a black crayons, then divided the empty white space on the paper into irregular sections. Then they used a variety of colors to fill in the "glass panes" around the crosses.
Birthdays! We had one friend turn 5 on Wednesday,
and celebrated an almost 5 summer birthday on Thursday.
Literacy! We had plenty of literacy learning centers and activities this week. We spent a lot of time with Jan Brett's The Umbrella. All those rainforest animals are so interesting! We made our own story prop umbrella with animal cards so that we could retell and properly sequence story events. A summary of the book also came home so we can show mom and dad.
We always enjoy playing with our little animals, but adding a water bin and a forest to go with our circle time reading was extra fun!
Other centers and activities included making underwater books, an open writing center for spring books (check out the writing that is appearing along with our pictures and stickers!), building with various manipulative, color sight word practice, bug stamping and Uu filled unicorns!
Our spring garden sensory continues to grow, with new creatures such as frogs, butterflies, garden fairies and dragons hiding among the flowers and pots.
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