Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Letter Hh

We spent some time learning about the letter Hh this past week. The sound is a tricky one, so we started pretending to climb the ladder the letter reminds us of-> up, up, up, faster and faster. Finally, we all stop, and listen very carefully for the the sound /h/h/h/h/. Hear it?

At one center, we worked to read Hh, build Hh out of straight and curved paper pieces, and write Hh using a proper pencil grip and correct formation. We talked about homes and houses, and built block and paper houses that anyone would be proud to call home. Our paper houses were all put into a neighborhood, and are hanging in our room. Other Hh fun included hammering! We each had a piece of bubble wrap with letters and numbers written on it, and used our hammer to pop each one as Ms. Heather called it out. If the the hammer didn't work, we used our hands. If that was hard we could hop on it! 


Other fun activities this week included shaving cream -great for getting very clean hands and trays-, circle art and dry erase writing practice:



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