Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Color

We've been enjoying the amazing spring colors at school the past couple of weeks! There are so many beautiful flowering bushes and trees to see. We looked at some of these in class, and used paint, brushes, fingerprints and bottle bottoms to create some of our own flowering branches.

We also spent some time last week blending colors on our own. Everyone started with the primary colors of red, yellow and blue fingerprint, and a big paper divided into sections. Remembering to wipe off our fingers (or brush) often, we experimented with different combinations of color to make new colors. This was an open ended activity, with the kids choosing their own combinations. It was wonderful to hear them wonder aloud about what would happen with different choices, then experiment and refine the process themselves. We've got a good group of thinkers!

This week, we got our 3 primary colors back out again, only this time we had colored baking soda paste and colored vinegar. First we painted the baking soda paste on hardboiled eggs, then used droppers to drip the colored vinegar on top. What we got was wild fizzing color bubbles all over our eggs. We added LOTS of color, just to hear the fizzing and see the volcanic bubbling up. When we finally finished trying out lots of color combinations, we had beautiful Easter eggs!


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