Saturday, February 22, 2014

Healthy Habits

We finished up our Vv is for vegetable activities with some vegetable painting using cucumbers, mushrooms, lettuce, celery, carrots, broccoli, peppers and cauliflower. We also finished up our taste test graphs after taking some test bites of raw broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumber. 

We then switched healthy topics to dental health! We talked about how all of us were born with 20 baby teeth that will get loose and fall out (tooth fairy!), making room for our 32 permanent teeth. Dentists are special doctors for our teeth, and can help us keep them clean and take care of cavities. The best things we learned to do to keep our teeth healthy is to brush, floss, and eat healthy food.

Some of our tooth books:

 We read "Clarabella's Teeth"- about an alligator who spends all day brushing her giant alligator teeth, missing out on fun with friends. Then, we buckled down to help Clarabella out by taking care of some of her teeth. First we got them good and dirty with some yellow and brown paint, then we scrubbed them well using our toothbrushes and paste (shaving cream). After rinsing them in the sink, we saw how well we had done getting all the food out. We did pretty well, but lots of times there was a little paint left in between our teeth. So, we got a good reminder to do a careful job cleaning all of our teeth thoroughly!

We also made some models of our teeth- 10 on top and ten on bottom!

Here we are playing a tooth counting game! Roll the dice, and count the dots. Reach into the cup and pull out the same number of teeth (navy beans) to fill up your mouth board. Be careful not to get a tooth with a cavity (black eyed pea)!

We got some fine motor practice with teeth, too! Using small paintbrushes, we tried very hard to paint the teeth white and the lips red. Tricky!


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