Thursday, April 21, 2016

Our Dolphin Cruise!

Captain Derek and his crew are the best!

And if dolphins aren't exciting enough, we also are so grateful for our carriage rides on Monday! What an awesome surprise for the kids!!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Lots of Learning!

I haven't posted in a while, and we have been so busy that I haven't taken as many pictures over the past 2 weeks. We are working hard on our Mother's Day surprises, made a beautiful bulletin board for the hall and have been doing 1:1 screening with Ms. Heather for spring progress reports. But the learning never stops! Here are a few pics of some of our other centers and activities over the last 2 weeks:

Xx is for x-ray fish!
light box learning
beach and ocean sensory

working on scrapbook pages

tornado tubes

stamping fun

fishing for letters and numbers


Zz is for zoo!

We LOVE the letter builders!


We worked hard making rainbow fish and sandy starfish for the school hall bulletin board.

Some closeups of the cutest fishing folks on our coast:

early summer birthday celebration