Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

10 + Little Angels

Thank you so much for coming to the Christmas program yesterday. The kids worked so hard to learn all the songs, and they did a great job!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas!

We've been very busy with holiday learning in fun the past week or so. I've had some difficulties getting pics up here on the blog lately, so time to catch up:

Pastor Andy visited to read us the bible story of the first Christmas.

We worked on counting, and clipped a Christmas decoration to the right number.

festive flannel boards

We worked hard to finish some holiday surprises.

Cookie baking!

and eating!

more holiday projects

Christmas writing center:

Shaving cream: making our January calendars AND just messy fun!

Circle time group writing- this is where elves like to hide! 

Holiday party fun- making sparkly ornaments and eating yummy snacks:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Little of This, A Little of That (and a jingle bell on top!)

This morning we started out our day with some pattern blocks on the table. We could choose to match blocks on a card, or build a design of our own.

As soon as everyone had arrived, we had some singing practice. Then off to centers! 

Our group on the rug had a great time playing with trains. This is always a big hit whenever we get the tracks out.

We did some more building with the Legos at another group. Today we all had to work together using the single big baseplate to cooperatively create something. Many helping hands can make amazing things!

We've been talking about the letter Jj this week at circle time. We made a great list of Jj words that we can continue to add to all week. Today we made a Jj picture using popsicle sticks for a stable and nativity stickers to illustrate our "Jingle with joy for Jesus!" pictures- and hung a jingle bell on top. At snack, we had an upside down candy cane J, along with some yummy bananas.

Our last center this morning was working on step 2 of some Christmas surprises, so sorry about the blurry patches in the pictures below. 
You can't see what we are making, but we were working hard at it!

Today was a rainy day, so we had time for some more tree decorating, un-decorating, and re-decorating. Our tree gets more beautiful every day. At circle time we played a jingle bell listening game. Everyone closed their eyes, and listened carefully as Ms. Heather dropped jingle bells one by one into a bucket. It was tricky to listen very closely so we could tell her how many bells were in the bucket without looking in it. 
We also had time for several rounds of musical chairs! When the carols stop, Ms. Heather pulls an uppercase alphabet card, and everyone checks to see if the stocking card at their chair has the matching lowercase letter. Whoever has the lucky letter wins!

Last week, we were very excited to welcome a dad to our class! He told us all about his saxophone, and showed us how he plays it.

We made some joyful noises of our own as we practiced our program songs for Dec. 20!