Saturday, September 28, 2013

More Apple Learning!

The last post was all about our apple-y math, but we had other apple fun too this week!

Apple Inspirations: A couple of apples sat on the table, with paint and paper. Everyone had a different spin on the apple inspired art!

Torn paper Trees: No scissors were allowed for these apple trees!

We played with apple cinnamon playdough, learned about the parts of an apple, and did some apple reading in our weekly magazines. We even added our Aa homework pictures to a big apple.


The best part was cooking little apple pie pockets! First, we peeled the apples using the peeler/ corer contraption.

Then, we used a plastic knife to chop the apple into tiny pieces.

We dumped all the pieces in a bowl and mixed them up with some cinnamon sugar. Then we started to roll out the crust. Each of us flattened out a biscuit round of dough with a roller (or our hands).

Next, we dumped a spoonful of sweetened apples onto our dough and folded over the edges. Lastly, we sprinkled some more cinnamon sugar on top. 15 minutes in the oven, and we had a warm wonderful snack!

After all that, it was time to run and play!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How Many Apples Up on Top?- APPLE MATH

We started our apple week Monday with Dr. Seuss' Ten Apples Up on Top. We looked at several kinds of apples together, from big red delicious apples, to bright golden delicious, to teeny tiny crab apples. Then, we each made a page for our own class book. After pulling a number out of a can, we decorated the numeral and made a corresponding number of apple prints on top of our picture. The book has been enjoyed at reading time in class! If you click here: How Many Apples Up on Top? ,you will be able to download a digital copy of our book to look at on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

We continued our apple counting with ordering numbers 0-5, and making sets to match with some wiggly worms.

Apples helped us out with some measuring, too! Wednesday, we used apples as our unit of measure when checking the height of all our friends.
After measuring our bear puppet, we found it was easier to lay the flamingo down and measure flat on the floor. This seemed like a good idea for measuring each other too. Stacking apples is very hard!


We worked on counting in our pocket chart by spinning a number on the wheel, and putting a matching tower of apples above our picture.

We practiced counting and color words while making our apple books.

We graphed apple numbers too! We had a taste test on Monday, and graphed our results. We also graphed how many students were 14, 15 or 16 apples tall. We counted each row, and compared results to talk about the concepts and vocabulary of moreless, greater/ fewer, and most/ least.

In non-apple related news, we had 2 special events! One of our friends had a birthday, and we were visited by some feathery friends when Ms. Rory brought her chickens in for us to see and pet.